MER Webinar 16 August 2023

16 August 2023, at 20:00 hours

This online webinar is an introduction to MER deep bodywork. Meet the trainers, get info and ask questions!

In this webinar you will get the chance to meet the trainers of the Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) and get to hear about their backgrounds what why they now practice MER. We will also take you on a journey through the principles of this work and what makes it effective, touching on fascia, tensegrity the autonomic nervous system and other elements of deep bodywork.

There will be opportunity to ask questions about what MER is and what it can mean for you, both personally and professionally. 

Click here to join: MER Webinar

Module 4: Original Face: Face, Cranium, Neck, Breath and Arms will take place 20 – 24 September 2023. You can start with any of the first 5 modules.